Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Medical Billing - Web Presence; Is it Necessary?


As a medical billing professional, I purchased a web site immediately! I did not have much money, so I purchased a basic template that had several pages about what I do. As I mentioned, it was a template - quite generic, but it offered me a lot. It offered me the appearance of having more experience than I really had. Also, a few days after meeting with a practice owner, handing them my business card and "First Appointment Folder", they would review the provided information and visit my site to confirm all that I promised them. Medical Billing companies that do not own a web site do NOT do as well as those that own one.

Again, starting off is difficult and costly, so just get a VERY basic site that describes your talents and details exactly what you do. Templates are available to you for very little cost at I am confident that the sites available there are under $500! That is "CHEAP"! (pardon the expression)

As a medical biller, a web presence is a necessity! Mark my words!

So the tip for today is to get yourself a web site - no matter how basic. Your company will be "Googled"! I promise you!

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